Interdependent Independence245 years ago this July 4, we declared our independence from Great Britain to the King, our people, and the world. Yet, we formed our new…Jul 1, 2021Jul 1, 2021
ARE YOUR ORGANIZATION AND ITS LEADERS READY FOR THE FUTURE?A few years back, I asked the veteran CEO of a non-profit services organization, that grew its budget (10X) and rapidly expanded its scope…Sep 14, 2020Sep 14, 2020
I Made A Mistake!There I said it. It is not something you hear very often, but I did. Now I need to own up to it and fix it. What did I do? I forgot and/or…May 3, 2020May 3, 2020
Weiser Wednesday #5 — Taking Stock of Your OrganizationIn Episode #5 of #WeiserWednesday, we are going to look at TAKING STOCK of your #company and #organization. This is a more robust and…May 3, 2020May 3, 2020
TAKING STOCK — WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?Yesterday, I stated that “ Preparing is the New Planning. (” Preparing starts with “TAKING STOCK”. In Episode #4 of…May 3, 2020May 3, 2020
Temporary Permanence: The New Normal for Now, Not ForeverThis quote from Annie, that little precocious and very optimistic young girl, is one of two certainties we know we can count on. The…Mar 18, 2020Mar 18, 2020
Temporary Permanence and the Coronavirus: 5 Steps to Take to ThriveThe Coronavirus and its effects are a perfect example of Temporary Permanence (which I have written about before, see…Mar 13, 2020Mar 13, 2020
Just Listen: Barriers to Listening and Strategies to Remove ThemThe impact of not listening is enormous and multi-dimensional.Feb 24, 2020Feb 24, 2020
THE PARADOX OF TEMPORARY PERMANENCE: MY COCHLEAR IMPLANT JOURNEYA few months ago, I wrote on the paradox of Temporary Permanence ( I discussed that given the pace of change…Jan 10, 2020Jan 10, 2020
RULES vs. PRINCPLES — Mindsets Drive the Choice (part 2)So, what drives the selection of rules vs. principles. Rules are strongly favored in hierarchical, command and control, and risk-averse…Aug 19, 2019Aug 19, 2019